Program Description
Event Details
Meet author Susannah Charleson as she discusses her book, The Possibility Dogs: What I Learned from Second Chance Rescues About Service, Hope, and Healing. Charleson is a K9 search-and-rescue handler/trainer in the United States with a particular focus in search protocol for the special-needs missing, including the elderly and those with cognitive disabilities.
In The Possibility Dogs, Charleson journeys into the world of psychiatric service, where dogs aid humans with disabilities that may be unseen but are no less felt. This work had a profound effect on Charleson, perhaps because, for her, this journey began as a personal one: Charleson herself struggled with posttraumatic stress disorder for months after a particularly grisly search. Collaboration with her search dog partner made the surprising difference to her own healing. Inspired by that experience, Charleson learns to identify abandoned dogs with service potential, often plucking them from shelters at the last minute, and to train them for work beside hurting partners, to whom these second-chance dogs bring intelligence, comfort, and hope.
Books will not be available for purchase. This program is for adults. No registration is required.
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